MIG/MAG welding
The MIG/MAG welding is one of the most popular welding techniques. This welding technique is so popular because of its high productivity and the fact that it is easy to automate this type of welding. Its use is growing, and the technology and equipment connected with this type of welding are constantly developing.
Materials that can be welded:
- Non-alloy steel;
- Alloy steel;
- Hard metal: Hardox, Weldox and so forth.
TIG welding
The TIG welding technique was developed and used already during WWII to weld aluminium and its alloys, however today the TIG welding can be used for all metals suitable for welding. This method is used mostly to weld thin materials.
The TIG welding technique provides high quality, minimizes the amount of welding flux and slag. This technique is very diverse as it can be used to weld practically any materials.